Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a platform that enables residents to address challenges affecting their communities.

We are civic-minded residents that believe government and community resources should be open, accessible and friendly to all residents. We use technology, education, and advocacy to further this movement and increase civic engagement in Charlotte.

Core Values

Empathy is our operating system.

We have a deep empathy for the people we work with. We seek to understand the problems they face and we work tirelessly to serve them.

No one is coming. It's up to us.

We don’t wait for the powers that be to ask us; we act. We don’t ask for permission; we find a way. We don’t talk change; we deliver it.

Build the movement.

No one organization can fulfill this vision; we will succeed through a movement that invites everyone to roll up their sleeves and do their part. In short, cultivate the karass.

Our Pillars

These are the areas our organization focuses on to carry out its mission.